Intex recently launched its aqua series variant called Aqua Xtreme V which is listed in company's site at Rs. 11,290. Intex launched two budgeted smartphones Aqua HD 5.0 and Aqua Y2 in India which are listed on company's site at Rs. 7,790 and Rs. 5,190 respectively. But there is no information about the availability of the smart phones in India.
Intex Aqua HD 5.0 is a Dual SIM smart phone which comes with 5 Inches HD IPS Display and 1280x720 Pixels resolution. It is powered by Android 4.4.2 v Kitkat OS and 1.3 GHz Quad Core Processor. It is embedded with 8 GB Internal Memory, 1 GB RAM, SD card expandable up to 32 GB, 5 Mega Pixels front camera and 13 Mega Pixels rear camera along with Flash.
It is specified with Bluetooth, GPRS, GPS with A-GPS, Wi-Fi, Micro USB, 3G Support, 3.5 mm Audio Jack and 2300 mAh Battery etc.
Along with Aqua HD 5.0 it also launched Intex Aqua Y2 which comes with 4.0 Inches WVGA IPS Display and 800x480 Pixels resolution along with Dual SIM support. It is embedded with 8 GB Internal Storage, 1 GB RAM, 64 GB expandable SD card slot, 2 Mega Pixels front camera and 8 Mega Pixels rear camera along with LED Flash. It runs based on Android 4.4.2 v Kitkat OS with 1.2 GHz Quad Core Processor.
It is specified with Bluetooth, GPS with A-GPS, Wi-Fi with Hotspot, 3.5 mm Audio Jack, Micro USB and 1400 mAh Battery etc.
It is specified with Bluetooth, GPRS, GPS with A-GPS, Wi-Fi, Micro USB, 3G Support, 3.5 mm Audio Jack and 2300 mAh Battery etc.
It is specified with Bluetooth, GPS with A-GPS, Wi-Fi with Hotspot, 3.5 mm Audio Jack, Micro USB and 1400 mAh Battery etc.