Intex launched a new budgeted smartphone called Aqua N7 which is available via online retail stores at Rs. 3,990. Intex Aqua N7 comes with 4.0 Inches WVGA IPS Display, 800x480 Pixels Resolution and measures 125.80x63.40x9.80 mm. It runs based on Android 4.4.2 Version Kitkat with 1.2 GHz Quad Core Processor. It is embedded with 4 GB In-Built Memory, 32 GB Expandable SD Card Slot with 512 MB RAM.
Aqua N7 is spotted with 2 Mega Pixels front camera and 8 Mega Pixels rear camera along with Auto Focus and LED Flash. It provides many other features like Bluetooth, Java, GPS/AGPS, GPRS, Micro USB, Wi-Fi with Hotspot, 3G Connectivity and 1400 mAh Battery etc,.
Its Battery supports up to 5 Hrs Talktime and 240 Hrs Stand-By. It is available in Black Colour Variant only.
It provides some preloaded apps like Intex Play, MX-Player, Intex Zone, and Ask Me.
Aqua N7 is spotted with 2 Mega Pixels front camera and 8 Mega Pixels rear camera along with Auto Focus and LED Flash. It provides many other features like Bluetooth, Java, GPS/AGPS, GPRS, Micro USB, Wi-Fi with Hotspot, 3G Connectivity and 1400 mAh Battery etc,.
Its Battery supports up to 5 Hrs Talktime and 240 Hrs Stand-By. It is available in Black Colour Variant only.
It provides some preloaded apps like Intex Play, MX-Player, Intex Zone, and Ask Me.