Fossil launched Hybrid Smartwatch HR in India with activity and sleep tracking features. These smartwatches are available in a round-shaped dial display and offer more than two weeks of battery life based on its usage.
Fossil Hybrid Smartwatch HR Prices:
The Fossil Hybrid Smartwatch HR is available in different straps and dials to suit different genders and their preferences. Fossil Hybrid Smartwatch HR price starts from Rs. 14,995 and is available for on Amazon. Fossil offers 2 years limited warranty for Hybrid Smartwatch HR.
Fossil Hybrid Smartwatch HR Specifications:
The Fossil Hybrid Smartwatch HR comes with a round-shaped case with a 42 mm case size and 13 mm case thickness. It is packed with 14 MB storage, Bluetooth, heart rate tracking and built-in activity tracker. The smartwatch comes with accelerometer and heart rate tracking sensors. The Hybrid Smartwatch HR is compatible with Android 5.0+ or iOS 10.0+ or above devices.
Fossil Hybrid Smartwatch HR comes with different features like 3ATM water-resistant, interchangeable watch straps, goal/activity tracking, sleep tracking, alarm, notifications, stopwatch, timer, workout modes, find your device, automatic time zones, rapid charging and many more. The rapid charging feature offers an 80% battery charge in one hour and offers more than two weeks of battery life on a single charge.
For Men, Fossil Hybrid Smartwatch HR is available in four colors based on different straps and dials such as smoke stainless steel, black silicon, tan leather, and dark brown leather.
For Women, Fossil Hybrid Smartwatch HR is available in four colors based on different straps and dials such as rose gold-tone stainless steel, blush silicon, rose gold-tone stainless steel mesh, and black leather.
Note: The information and prices provided may be varied based on Model, Color, Location, etc.
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