Lenovo launched its 4G LTE model called Lenovo A6000 to compete with Xiaomi Redmi Note 4G and Micromax's Yu Yureka. Registrations for Lenovo A6000 will be opened in Flipkart from January 16, 2015, to January 27, 2015. It is listed in Flipkart at Rs. 6,999 and showed as coming soon.
Registrations will be closed on January 27 at 6 PM and it will be available for sale from January 28 at 2 PM. Lenovo A6000 comes with 5 inches HD IPS display and 1280x720 pixels resolution. It runs based on Android 4.4 v Kitkat with 1.2 GHz Quad-Core Processor. It is spotted with 2 MP front camera and 8 MP rear camera along with LED flash and autofocus.
It is coupled with 1 GB RAM, 8 GB ROM, and expandable SD card. It contains 2300 mAh Battery with 13 Hrs Talktime and with 264 Hrs Standby time.
Registrations will be closed on January 27 at 6 PM and it will be available for sale from January 28 at 2 PM. Lenovo A6000 comes with 5 inches HD IPS display and 1280x720 pixels resolution. It runs based on Android 4.4 v Kitkat with 1.2 GHz Quad-Core Processor. It is spotted with 2 MP front camera and 8 MP rear camera along with LED flash and autofocus.
It is coupled with 1 GB RAM, 8 GB ROM, and expandable SD card. It contains 2300 mAh Battery with 13 Hrs Talktime and with 264 Hrs Standby time.