Samsung launched Galaxy E5 and Galaxy E7 in India at Rs. 19,700 (Price dropped up to Rs. 17,900) and Rs. 23,000 Price dropped up to Rs. 20,900) respectively and will go on sale in this month only. Today itself Samsung launched Galaxy A3 and Galaxy A5.
Samsung Galaxy E5 comes with 5 inches AMOLED display. It runs with Android 4.4 v Kitkat and 1.2 GHz Quad Core Processor. It is spotted with 5 MP Front Camera and 8 MP Rear Camera with auto focus and LED flash. It's features are 1.5 GB RAM, 16 GB Internal Memory, 64 GB expandable SD card slot, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS with A-GPS etc.
Samsung Galaxy E7 comes with 5.5 inches AMOLED display. It runs on Android 4.4 v Kitkat with 1.2 GHz Quad core Processor. It is spotted with 5 MP front camera and 13 MP rear camera with autofocus and LED flash. It's features are 2 Gb RAM, 16 GB internal memory, 64 GB expandable sd card, 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS with A-GPS etc.
Samsung Galaxy E5
Samsung Galaxy E5 comes with 5 inches AMOLED display. It runs with Android 4.4 v Kitkat and 1.2 GHz Quad Core Processor. It is spotted with 5 MP Front Camera and 8 MP Rear Camera with auto focus and LED flash. It's features are 1.5 GB RAM, 16 GB Internal Memory, 64 GB expandable SD card slot, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS with A-GPS etc.
Samsung Galaxy E7
Samsung Galaxy E7 comes with 5.5 inches AMOLED display. It runs on Android 4.4 v Kitkat with 1.2 GHz Quad core Processor. It is spotted with 5 MP front camera and 13 MP rear camera with autofocus and LED flash. It's features are 2 Gb RAM, 16 GB internal memory, 64 GB expandable sd card, 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS with A-GPS etc.