On Thrusday, Celkon Millennia ME Q54 (Celkon Q54) was launched at Rs. 5,555 which is listed in company's website last month. Celkon Q54 comes with 5.0 inches display and 480x800 Pixels resolution. It runs on Android 4.4.2 v Kitkat with 1.2 GHz Quad Core Processor. It is spotted with 5 MP secondary camera and 5 MP primary camera along with LED Flash and Auto Focus. It is packed with 32 GB Expandable SD Card Slot, 4 GB ROM and 512 MB RAM.
Celkon Q54 is specified with many features like Bluetooth 4.0 v, Micro USB, Wi-Fi with Hotspot, Wi-Fi Direct, GPRS, GPS with A-GPS, 3G Connectivity, FM/Radio and 2000 mAh Battery etc,. It measures 145x73x8.81 mm and weighs 150.60 gms.
It is available in two color variants
Celkon Q54 is specified with many features like Bluetooth 4.0 v, Micro USB, Wi-Fi with Hotspot, Wi-Fi Direct, GPRS, GPS with A-GPS, 3G Connectivity, FM/Radio and 2000 mAh Battery etc,. It measures 145x73x8.81 mm and weighs 150.60 gms.
It is available in two color variants
- White
- Silver