Immediately after launching the India's first Android 5.0 v Lollipop last week, Intex now released Intex Aqua Star II in India at Rs. 5,999. It comes with 5.0 inches FWVGA Display, 480x854 pixels resolution and measures 142x71.50x8.95 mm. It runs based on Android 4.4.2 v Kitkat along with 1.2 GHz Quad Core Processor.
It is spotted with 5 Mega Pixels front camera and 8 Mega Pixels rear camera along with LED Flash. It is coupled with 8 GB Internal memory, 1 GB RAM, 32 GB Expandable SD Card Slot. It can be used to take selfies with the volume buttons or by touch screen. It specifies Bluetooth, Java, FM/Radio, GPS/A-GPS, GPRS, Wi-Fi, Micro USB and 2000 mAh Battery etc,.
It is spotted with 5 Mega Pixels front camera and 8 Mega Pixels rear camera along with LED Flash. It is coupled with 8 GB Internal memory, 1 GB RAM, 32 GB Expandable SD Card Slot. It can be used to take selfies with the volume buttons or by touch screen. It specifies Bluetooth, Java, FM/Radio, GPS/A-GPS, GPRS, Wi-Fi, Micro USB and 2000 mAh Battery etc,.